Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2022 – 2023 Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 tiếng Anh 11

Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 học kì 1 năm 2022 – 2023 là tài liệu không thể thiếu dành cho các bạn lớp 11 chuẩn bị thi cuối học kì 1.

Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11 giới hạn nội dung ôn thi, kèm theo các dạng bài tập trọng tâm. Thông qua đề cương ôn tập cuối kì 1 tiếng Anh 11 giúp các bạn làm quen với các dạng bài tập, nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài và rút kinh nghiệm cho bài thi học kì 1 lớp 11 sắp tới. Vậy sau đây đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 tiếng Anh 11 mời các bạn cùng tải tại đây. Bên cạnh đó các bạn tham khảo thêm: đề cương thi học kì 1 Địa lí 11, đề cương thi học kì 1 môn Toán 11, đề cương ôn tập cuối kì 1 môn Ngữ văn 11.

A. Kiến thức ôn thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11

I. Pronunciation:

– strong and weak form of words in connected speech.

– contracted forms: nouns/pronouns, etc + verb/ verb not

– sentence stress and rhythm: linking between a consonant and a vowel

– elision of weak vowels before /l/. /n/ and /r/

– falling and rising intonation

II. Grammar:

1. Modal verbs

2. Linking verbs + adjectives

3. Cleft sentences: It is / was … that …

4. To-infinitives after certain adjectives, nouns and verbs

5. Tenses: Present Perfect & Simple Past

6. Gerunds and State verbs in continuous forms.

7. Prepositions

III. Vocabulary/ Reading/Speaking/ Listening:

Topics: Family, Generation gap, Relationships, Becoming Independent, Caring for those in need, Becoming part of Asian.

IV. Writing:

1. Modal verbs

2. Linking verbs + adjectives

3. Cleft sentences: It is / was … that …

4. To-infinitives after certain adjectives, nouns and verbs

5. It takes / took + O + period of time + to inf

6. Empty object ‘IT’

7. Tenses: Present Perfect & Simple Past

11. Gerunds and State verbs in continuous forms

10. – Write a letter about family rules to a teenager staying with a homestay family

– Write an online posting about relationship problems

– Write a letter requesting further information about a course

– Write an article about problems facing disabled people and how they can be solved

Đọc thêm:  Giới trẻ tìm kiếm trên TikTok thay cho Google

– Write a short brochure introducing an Asean member state

B. Một số bài tập ôn thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 11


Exercise 1 – Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. childcare

B. privacy

C. mature

D. elegant

2. A. norm

B. afford

C. impose

D. course

3. A. pressure


C. parents

D. preference

4. A. sympathetic

B. smoothly

C. without

D. together

5. A. focus

B. apologize

C. confide

D. shocked

6. A. involve

B. romantic

C. concentrate

D. problem

7. A. decision

B. self-reliant

C. responsible

D. dependent

8. A. raise

B. course

C. herself

D. decisive

11. A. determined

B. ability

C. decisive

D. finish

10. A. hygiene

B. wealthy

C. ability

D. laundry

11. A. cognitive

B. donate

C. opportunity

D. economy

12. A. support

B. success

C. extracurricular

D. rural

13. A. disrespectful

B. prepare

C. special

D. integrate

14. A. state

B. stability

C. apply

D. association

15. A. capital

B. solidarity

C. understanding

D. state

16. A. attracted

B. competed

C. developed

D. added

17. A. bloc

B. focus

C. promote

D. association

18. A. blind

B. cognitive

C. unite

D. specialise

111. A. potential

B. psychologist

C. oppose

D. contribution

20. A. wheelchair

B. Christmas

C. achieve

D. charitable

Exercise 2 – Choose the word whose primary stress differently from the rest.

1. A. follow

B. happy

C. household

D. convince

2. A. member

B. lucky

C. discuss

D. viewpoint

3. A. belief

B. conflict

C. manner

D. footstep

4. A. problem

B. childcare

C. between

D. family

5. A. classmate

B. schoolwork

C. friendship

D. involve

6. A. reconcile

B. argument

C. attractive

D. Internet

7. A. achieve

B. become

C. feeling

D. engage

8. A. potential

B. counsellor

C. educate

D. sympathy

11. A. limit

B. remind

C. rely

D. inform

10. A. schedule

B. routine

C. reliant

D. control

11. A. ability

B. influence

C. surprise

D. assignment

12. A. interesting

B. management

C. confidence

D. independent

13. A. access

B. barrier

C. community

D. charity

14. A. mobility

B. cognitive

C. accessible

D. campaign

15. A. coordination

B. disability

C. discrimination

D. humanitarian

16. A. disabled

B. disrespectful

C. donate

D. impaired

17. A. assistance

B. association

C. behaviour

Đọc thêm:  Tổng hợp công thức Vật lý 10 Công thức Lí 10

D. digest

18. A. discriminate

B. brochure

C. charter

D. delicate

111. A. academic

B. elongated

C. constitution

D. economic

20. A. external

B. govern

C. graceful

D. inner


Exercise 3- Choose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence

1. It like you are going through a hard time in your life.

A. hears B. listensC. sees D. sounds

2. My darling, you looked in that dress.

A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully

3. She said she would become a singer .

A. famous/quick B. famous/quicklyC. famously/quick D. famously/quickly

4. The skies became as the moon moved between the Earth and the Sun.

A. surprising darkB. surprising darkly C. surprisingly dark D. surprisingly darkly

5. He talked. of the past and his youth.

A. romanceB. romanticC. romanticallyD. romanticise

6. Good time-management skill helps you to build your confidence and………………

A. self-confident B. self-reliantC. self-esteem D. self-centered

7. Please tell me about the course as soon as possible so that I can. early.

A. learnB. enjoyC. take partD. enrol

8. A group of countries or people with the same political aims is called a(n)………………..

A. team B. bloc C. organization D. group

11. ASEAN organizes different projects and activities to. its members.

A. integrate B. mention C. refer D. cooperate

10. The Chater has become a legal. among the ten ASEAN member states.

A. bookB. agreement C. materialD. resource

11. Presence of international volunteers in the project also helps attract attention of the local for the cause of mentally impaired children.

A. societyB. populationC. communityD. neighbours

12. The arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university.

A. discriminationB. conflictC. agreement D. gap

13.You will get into trouble if you come back home after the .

A. norm B. curfew C. valueD. rule

14. Living under the same roof with three or four generations can be .

A. frustrateB. frustrated C. frustrating D. frustration

15. I found it truly to hear that Mr. Kim had been appointed to the committee.

A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly

Exercise 4 – Complete the following sentences with a suitable form of the given word.

1. The beach is only (access) from the sea.

2. We got into an (argue) with the referee about his decision.

3. Despite his cries, no one came to his (assist)……………………………………………. .

Đọc thêm:  Chúc mừng sinh nhật vui nhộn qua những bức hình hài hước

4. These scientists are studying the (behave) of infants, apes, bees.

5. In the end he moved to another part of the country to escape his mother’s continual (interfere)……………………………………………. in his private life.

6. They don’t sound (confidence) about the future of the industry.

7. Old people are usually more (conserve) than young people.

8. There’s really no (coordinate) between the different groups-nobody knows what anyone else is doing.

11. The economy is regarded as the (decide) factor which will determine the outcome of the general election.

10. She will get the job she wants – she’s a very (determine) person.

11. She is deaf, but refuses to let her (disable) prevent her from doing what she wants to do.

12. (discriminate) on the basis of race, gender, age is not allowed.

13. A businesswoman (donation) one million dollars to the charity.

14. Workers who handle asbestos need to wear (protect) clothing.

15. She can find no (solve) to her financial troubles.

16. It is advisable to (priority) the old and the disabled.

17. I’ve always been financially (depend)……………………………………………..

18. I don’t think we should expand our business in the current (economy) climate.

111. It’s not (fashion) to wear short skirts at the moment.

20. Nowadays, there are many organisations and individuals that can help people with……………………. find employment. (impair)

21 (teenage) develop a taste for unhealthy but delicious fast food, while parents believe that a growing body needs proper nutrition.

22. My sister is a (study)…………………………………..and (elegance) girl.

23. The (initiate). has passed to us.

24. When my parents had conflicts, they visited many marriage (counsel) to ask for advice.

25. The company must reduce costs to compete (effect) with others.

26. The work of the charity is funded by many kinds of voluntary (donate)………………………………………..

27. Precisely when the first wheeled chairs were invented and used for (able) persons is unknown.

28. Viet Nam and Laos will closely cooperate to strengthen the (solid) of ASEAN and enhance the vital role of the group in regional security structure.

211. The country’s continued (prosper) is dependent on the opportunities and achievements of all its residents.

30. Many people still wonder the question, “Why can’t religions co-exist (peace) ?”


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